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Friday, July 27, 2007

Performance Based Evaluation - A Review

It is an increasingly competitive world. And, competition knows only one direction - Northwards.

Global business is a crowded place. With companies vying to gain a bigger share of the pie, they are definitely feeling the heat. "Innovate or die" is the new mantra. It demands that the companies have to perform better and constantly improve. This heat has nowhere to go, but upon its (hapless) workforce - till the grass roots of the corporate "food chain".

Team vs Individual
An interesting, but conflicting thoughts, are at work, constantly. While the organizations understand that gone are the days of individual brilliance. "Team Work" is the mantra. However, at the same time, the individual contributions could not be condoned. It is indeed a tight rope walk - a delicate balancing act that many organizations falter upon.
Forcing your own Talent Landscape
Many organizations have a some sort of performance evaluation process in place, which is revised and "upgraded" every few years. It is more likely that they copied it from other successful companies or from one of those management books. Invariably, people are rated on a scale of, say, 1 - 5 or

Read the full article here.

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