स्वधर्मॆ निधनम् श्रॆयहः परधर्मॊ भयावहः ॥

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Manmohan + Economics + Singh = Manmohanomics Sings

Singhji’s economics and his songs are as simple as this equation.

He simply applies one economic formula. Give and don’t take. Communists have allowed the Congress to continue in power at the Centre for a big price. This price is in many forms, main one being huge money to be pumped into the Politburo Headquarters at regular intervals. Manmohan Sing is doing it aptly and ably. This regular ‘pocket money’, running into thousands of crores, does not stop at that point. Many Christian Missionaries, at the behest of uncrowned super prime minister Sonia Gandhi, are also getting big grants from the Centre, more regularly than the development projects in the country. Apart from his economic blueprint Dr. Singh has also learnt some singing. When Singh sings the congress flag portrays three faces. Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka. This is exactly the reason Manmohanji is installed as India’s first Rubber Stamp Prime Minister. Dr. Sing’s latest song eulogizing Rahul Gandhi, composed and dictated by the congress president, was sung at the recently concluded congress Meet. Singh was made to sing and proclaim that the only hope for the country is Rahul Gandhi, the newest entrant from the Nehru dynasty who, in reality, deserves a place in the Hall of Shame, rather than the Hall of Fame.

-कृष्ण वासूदेव

Need to relive the - Quit India Movement

In the organic evolution theory, the lowest creature is termed as unicellular organisms called Amoeba. Witnessing the communists in India, Amoeba looks most evolved species. These communists are enjoying all the Five Star treatment, offered by our 101 percent Rubber Stamp Prime Minister. These communists are enemies of our own country. Pakistan should realise this and stop sending terrorists into this country because we have enough terrorists in the communist ranks and files. They have created Naxalites to bring social disharmony, they have created Trade Unions to halt any development and they are indisputable traitors of this land. Dear Bengali/Kerala brothers and sisters please realise this and vote them out of power in the next elections.

जय हिंद

- Krishna Vaasudev