स्वधर्मॆ निधनम् श्रॆयहः परधर्मॊ भयावहः ॥

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Need to relive the - Quit India Movement

In the organic evolution theory, the lowest creature is termed as unicellular organisms called Amoeba. Witnessing the communists in India, Amoeba looks most evolved species. These communists are enjoying all the Five Star treatment, offered by our 101 percent Rubber Stamp Prime Minister. These communists are enemies of our own country. Pakistan should realise this and stop sending terrorists into this country because we have enough terrorists in the communist ranks and files. They have created Naxalites to bring social disharmony, they have created Trade Unions to halt any development and they are indisputable traitors of this land. Dear Bengali/Kerala brothers and sisters please realise this and vote them out of power in the next elections.

जय हिंद

- Krishna Vaasudev

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