स्वधर्मॆ निधनम् श्रॆयहः परधर्मॊ भयावहः ॥

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A yard needs to be a yard always

Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of Sovereign India (post British) was conferred titles like 'Pandit',  'Chacha' .....
Pandit? -  I can understand, he was a dustbin of information, but, Chacha - whose Chacha ?

He became Prime Minister in lieu of huge INDIAN territory (now Pakistan) and major parts Kashmir - 8,03,940 Sq-km in all to be precise and as a result 2,912 kms of border with this rouge state, yet he is revered by one and all and not the least by Media even today.

There are only a handful of Institutes, Parks, Hospitals, Airports everything setup for the service of Public from tax payers money which is not named in his or his 'family''s name.

This 'Statesman' panditji whose 17-years of inaction on Pakistan did not deter the Little, unsung Lal Bahadur Shastri in setting record straight in just 17days in office.

The same 'Revered' panditji took his daughter Indira along on all(almost) his official, diplomatic and even junket tours (I suppose even in those days all expenses were met from tax payers money - wasn't it?).

Now for only once Vilas Rao in the capacity of CM of Maharashtra took along with him his son and son's Colleague RGV and has been severely criticized (and rightly so) in most unequivocal terms by one and all and the issue was given perhaps due hype which led to his resignation.

One wonders how can the same media and public revere Panditji who started it all, and Vilas Rao perhaps was only following his footsteps.

Double standards or blind founded reverence? 
Ask your conscience and Judge for yourselves.

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