स्वधर्मॆ निधनम् श्रॆयहः परधर्मॊ भयावहः ॥

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Cricket & God

(These are just my thoughts. Hopefully my near future convictions also)

Our imagination has no bounds, but our mental space has. The mental space of every individual is a fixed quantity, for it is based on Time and not the boundless Ether. Hence, it is a determinable factor. Here, time means our allocated total life span and mission / purpose. The word 'Cricket' is symbolically used. It could be baseball, movies, betting or any other source of earthly pleasure or entertainment that will 'help' us to keep ourselves away from God. It is some sort of cleverly cultivated habit to spend most of our free time, so that we will have lesser and lesser time to spend with Him. Many times it so happens that we allow these 'habits' to totally control us, rather than we control them.

I begin to feel that yielding to such habits is an escape route, that we constantly use, to stay away from God or reality.

I do not mean that man should not have even healthy recreations. Anything that refreshes the human mind and increases hunger for God is fine.

- Krishna Vaasudev

1 comment:

Vishwa said...

For me, it's so difficult to distinguish between things 'Godly' and 'non-Godly'. Except probably in the life of an Avatara here and there, where else can we see all one's lifespan as Godly? In any real person's life we come across, however saintly or godly he is known to be, we find innumerable aberrations which when looked at in isolation can make him appear downright worldly or even vulgar. So in my view, how Godly a person truly is, is impossible to tell. By the same example, a professional cricket player can be the most Godly. Today, based on what I've heard and read, Rajanikant, though stooped in the abhorred [for me!] world of films, is so much close to Godliness than most other individuals...