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Friday, July 13, 2007

Taj Mahal - A Beautiful Scar ?

Recently, people all over the world voted for the New 7 wonders of the modern world. Amidst much glamour (read as clamour), it was unveiled in Portugal. It is no surprise that our very own Taj Mahal featured in the list of nominations.

Understandably, people (especially the youth) of this country went gung ho about this - millions would have cast their vote, zillions of bits were exchanged (avalanche of SMS messages, flurry of emails). All this paid off - Taj came 4th on the list of new 7 wonders!!.

No doubt, they were expressing their "Nationalism". As it happens with cricket, this too assumed patriotic proportions - soon it became a matter of national pride. Taj is indeed beautiful, no doubt - A marvel that has attracted people for centuries. But, what does the Taj stand for? Going by popular belief, it stands out to be the epitome of love, as expressed by the Moghul emperor towards his wife.

However, if some historians are to be believed, this love story is simply not so romantic. Perhaps, it is all made up!. Even if it was true, that is not all, there is more to it. Some people even claim that the workers who built this majestic structure were treated inhumanely and their hands were cut off after the monument was complete (to ensure that nobody else would employ them and build another similar structure). If this is to be believed, it is unfortunate that the such cruelty lies alongside this wonder, overshadowed. Ironically, Taj is one of the heritage sites recognized by UNESCO.

Is Taj Mahal a wonder or a blunder? Could it possibly be "A Beautiful Scar"?


Sumanth said...

I agree with the writer that Taj Mahal is indeed very beautiful, and has to an extent made India's presence on the tourist map of the world a touch brighter.

But that as is only as far as the Nation's identity goes in the foreigner’s eye who does not have to live here, whereas the lives of the millions of underprivileged and impoverished are concerned - The Taj at best may be a place of shelter [if allowed] just as all the Parks and public transport stations end up being during the nights.

Now talking of India's pride, It does not require a any rocket science nor another hyped or complicated poll to see that Indian Nationalism is a distant dream. A mere poll [ much glorified and romanticized] does not speak on our patriotism, in fact the lack of it has been rightly exposed in one of the earlier posts by Mr. Sathya Murthy Indian media hype … , and I would consider this Taj episode to be a mere extension of the same, shame!!

Oh you Young, modern, bright, net-savvy, rational, Indian! Are you patriotic? What have you done for you poor brother [yes by blood, oh ye children of Mother India] who knows no software, has nothing to wear, to whom a CD [compact disc] is only a reflecting device and may serve as a mirror, who has to fight with the dogs for the remains of a marriage lunch; he has to bear the beat police even for a share of the footpath at night. What was his mistake? He being born into poverty? Let’s park the Karma theory aside for the time being, what are we doing for them? Even one loaf of bread we share [if we] with a poor is a more realistic form of patriotism than sending SMS for a worthless poll.

We can spend hours on our financial planning till we have saved the very last penny from reaching the taxman, but, how much have we all thought about the 300million living below the poverty line? Mr. Venky abode the 7 hills will NOT punish you if you do not visit him and pay our due fearing the unknown, and you would be really far better off by sharing the loot, as Swami Vivekananda rightly pointed out that we are only the custodians of the wealth and it certainly is not our possession.

Vande Maatharam said...

Taj Mahal, let's us face it, is a great Monument, just like many other great monuments spread all over the world. Why only 'seven'? There are numerous other wonders and in fact, running to thousands. If only seven are to be selected, then Taj Mahal unquestionably is a lucky inclusion.

-Krishna Vaasudev